Thursday, December 4, 2014

Path Paver Dilemma

From last couple of years, i am suffering with a dilemma and today decided to name it "Path Paver Dilemma".

Dilemma is all about a decision whether one want to lead a life of an employee or an employer. Should one continue to be a path paver for others or pave his/her own path. Lead on fronts one want to lead or be submissive to others. All these thoughts leads to Path Paver Dilemma. And, software industry somehow in my experience suffer from it the most because it is based on brain work and require less investment as compared to other industries.

Software industry is different from the manufacturing industry where you cannot produce the same amount of output each day. It varies and in manufacturing industry most work is done by the machines in predefined manners but in software industry each day you have to face a new problem. To get work done by the brain, its necessary to keep it aloof from all the negative thoughts and negative people. These negative thoughts on one side can make your life miserable but on the other side they are harbinger of opportunities because they help you in taking decision to lead your life on your terms and conditions.

Its says, "No gain without pain" or "High risk high reward" but taking first step toward a pain or risk is a journey of thousand thought miles. Sometimes we think too much and waste the opportunity or loose the golden years of our life in paving others path and once that path is paved you are not even allowed to enjoy the royalty of it.

Take a decision, and mine is to hold the reign of my life with my own hands and Journey begins.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Whats Next?

In life, we are so busy in planning the next goals that we are never free and always have some personal thing to achieve. Since the day we are born and started school, goal is to clear the current class and move to next. Then comes the college same goal after that university. After every milestone there is always a next goal we are heading towards. In all this what we are losing is the essence of life. We left giving time to even ourselves.

Families are so occupied that rarely come out of the apartment life. Even home became apartments where everyone have a room and they spend most of the time there. Not blaming but people started getting more and more anti-social. TV, cell phone and FULL STOP. Give them these two things and take there life away from them.

Previously, in homes there was one TV but more of family life. We evolved and now we have more than one TV in homes and no family life. In my humble opinion, where ever you spend rest of your day always spend the dinner time with your family on the dinner table. Followed by watching some program on TV together. Family is not just your wife and kids its more than that, it includes everyone living with you under same roof.

Kids are spending more and more hours infront of TV and parents are happy that atleast they are not disturbing them. However, this is going to haunt you back when later down the road of growing old you will realize you are just left with TV and cell phone.

The vicious cycle of what's next, is getting so strong that we are forgetting how we are going to break it. Lets STOP for a while and realize Is What Next? is going to lead us some where. Socialize and spend time with those living around you.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Reiterating May 13, 2012 - Nov 7, 2014 a Journey or an era!

Almost after two and half year today i returned to this blog and really excited to read what i had posted at that time. Seems like a dream which get refreshed in your memory. Now, i understand why people like to write dairy (lol dear Diary).

In these two and half years, where most of things really had changed but few are still the same. And, one of that thing is Load shedding :) i guess its here to stay and even getting worst with each passing year.

The good things in these years were many (in ascending order):
  1. In Sept 2012 started my MS in Software Engineering and completed that on Sept 05, 2014.
  2. Made good friends at EME
  3. Got engaged in Nov 2012.
  4. oh! Got married too in April 2013. And, given my exams right after my reception
  5. Blessed with a Son (Khizar) in March 2014.
  6. Blessed with nephew (Ashar) in April 2014.
  7. Parents performed Haj-e-Akbar in Oct 2014.
  8. Completed many successful projects in my professional career.
Just reiterated the last 2.5 year and thanks to Almighty i am blessed man indeed. May Allah keep his blessing upon me. 

Let see what life has next for me. Btw, soon completing my 3 year Journey with my current organization.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!

Today is the most auspicious day! The Mother day.

I must say no day can be like this day because mother is the blessing of Allah we have. But, we mostly don't understand it fully. I have seen my mothers to have restless nights and keep praying when i am ill and loving me all the time...

And, its true mothers loves her every kid the same but at the same time you have the filling that she loves you more. No doubt my mother loves me a lot.

Allah Bless my mother and always keep her smiling which directly means keep all of us (her kids) happy...That is what makes her happy. Bless her the healthy life and her every wish cane true. Please guide us in right direction so that we can always keep her happy.

Love you mama, you are really a super mother....Love you

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Summer Summer go away!

Oh God! Summers are back...Don't know why i hate them so much...Its really hard to keep yourself active in Summers at least this is what i think!

Never been fond of Summers in my whole life....all types of problem comes with Summer. You cannot go out mostly restrict to home (Oops! i also don't go out in winters too)....but the situation gets more worst when its hot...You cannot enjoy a simple, relaxing drive....its horrible.....

As per my opinion summers should be of only 1-2 months not 4-5 months...Cannot do much with it have to bare them.

You can now imagine how hard summers are that i can't even write a simple blog and want to wrap it...Therefore, bye.....

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Time to Step Back!

In situations sometime while seeing things going wrong you cant do much about them. You try your best but in end have to go with wrong decision. This is mostly because of the rigid, and egoist approach which let things go on the wrong path.

For everyone its healthy to have an idea but if you face opposition to it then there can be mainly two reasons:

 1. Idea itself is bad
 2. Idea is good but someone's ego gets hurt.

Second scenario usually happens when one consider himself an authority but with lack of back ground knowledge to support his idea (beaware that can be you as well). It not bad to be in lime light but at least by working hard instead of playing the dirty politics.

As you know, in such scenario you dont have much of the options other than wasting your time or stepping back. I think its better to step back rather than wasting your productive time on such goofy things.

Finally an advice, never let the ego come in the way because when it is in you are out!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Finding it hard to do anything!

From last one week i am really finding hard to do anything after coming back from office. Just want to relax and watch TV. But that does not means that i am lazy its just the weather (lolz at least i have an excuse) ....

Actually, from last one week i am trying to gather my all scattered thoughts and trying to identify what i really want because i think i am leading a life without a goal. Trying to set few goals for myself for next couple of years and dont want to be too ambitious. 

One goal so far identified is to do regular exercise and the second go it to remain commit with the First goal. Which is really tough in my case...

Oh God! even finding hard to write a blog...:) so till next blog bye....