Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 Week 1 - "be human"

Tried to follow the "be human" theme but believe me failing badly. I never thought it would be this tough. Here are three top reasons which i noticed and now will work on them so i be a less jerk!

         1. Stop Passing Comments: Yes i noticed! how easily is to pass comment on other but think if the same thing happen to you how will you feel believe me its not a good feeling.

         2. Spend Time with Family: Now even though we all live in the same house but dont have much time for each other. Everyone after coming back from office have tons of other things to do. And, we dont realize the clock is ticking. Will Spend atleast a 1-2 hours quality time with Family and during that no TV no Laptop and no  other things.

         3. Be Thankful: Really needs a serious effort on my end. I realized that i always look forward to a lots of things and forget that i am the most fortunate one! Thanks to Allah. So be thankful to everyone who have contribution in it! And, believe me list is long....

In totality its a long list so for next week will work on these three and try to "be human"

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Year 2012!

Good Morning year 2012!

I wish that this year and many more to come be the most healthy, prosperous and be Human year for all of us. One great thing is that this year started with my Janu "Hamza" so it has a special beginning. But, what i usually think is the changing dates on calender matters other than we grow old day by day! and try to be more dumb each day.

I hope this year bring some good to world. All these nonsense wars should end and people/gov should stop being innocent after brutal killing of millions around the world. The money you spend on wars can  be used to give food, education and health facility to the world. Believe me! people will love you this way. Stop discrimination between your citizen and the rest of the world because everyone is human neither more nor less but equal.

I hope this year bring some change in my Country Pakistan as well. We get rid of all these corrupt politicians and real change should start. Change will only start when we nation will change we use our vote appropriately. People get the best of all facilities.

Lets start year 2012, with "be Human" theme!