Friday, November 14, 2014

Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Whats Next?

In life, we are so busy in planning the next goals that we are never free and always have some personal thing to achieve. Since the day we are born and started school, goal is to clear the current class and move to next. Then comes the college same goal after that university. After every milestone there is always a next goal we are heading towards. In all this what we are losing is the essence of life. We left giving time to even ourselves.

Families are so occupied that rarely come out of the apartment life. Even home became apartments where everyone have a room and they spend most of the time there. Not blaming but people started getting more and more anti-social. TV, cell phone and FULL STOP. Give them these two things and take there life away from them.

Previously, in homes there was one TV but more of family life. We evolved and now we have more than one TV in homes and no family life. In my humble opinion, where ever you spend rest of your day always spend the dinner time with your family on the dinner table. Followed by watching some program on TV together. Family is not just your wife and kids its more than that, it includes everyone living with you under same roof.

Kids are spending more and more hours infront of TV and parents are happy that atleast they are not disturbing them. However, this is going to haunt you back when later down the road of growing old you will realize you are just left with TV and cell phone.

The vicious cycle of what's next, is getting so strong that we are forgetting how we are going to break it. Lets STOP for a while and realize Is What Next? is going to lead us some where. Socialize and spend time with those living around you.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Reiterating May 13, 2012 - Nov 7, 2014 a Journey or an era!

Almost after two and half year today i returned to this blog and really excited to read what i had posted at that time. Seems like a dream which get refreshed in your memory. Now, i understand why people like to write dairy (lol dear Diary).

In these two and half years, where most of things really had changed but few are still the same. And, one of that thing is Load shedding :) i guess its here to stay and even getting worst with each passing year.

The good things in these years were many (in ascending order):
  1. In Sept 2012 started my MS in Software Engineering and completed that on Sept 05, 2014.
  2. Made good friends at EME
  3. Got engaged in Nov 2012.
  4. oh! Got married too in April 2013. And, given my exams right after my reception
  5. Blessed with a Son (Khizar) in March 2014.
  6. Blessed with nephew (Ashar) in April 2014.
  7. Parents performed Haj-e-Akbar in Oct 2014.
  8. Completed many successful projects in my professional career.
Just reiterated the last 2.5 year and thanks to Almighty i am blessed man indeed. May Allah keep his blessing upon me. 

Let see what life has next for me. Btw, soon completing my 3 year Journey with my current organization.